For english-speakers

zertifizierter hypnobirthing kurs frankfurt

Birth in Hypnosis: Empowerment for a positive and relaxed birth experience

  • Online-Group Coaching – live via Zoom for couples
  • You will learn to
    • use hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to transform your fears into trust into your powerful female body
    • understand the natural process of labour and birth and how to support the work of your body
    • develop – as a couple – into a birth team and how your partner can become your spokesman, caregiver and protector
    • create your birth plan – my medical knowledge from my internships ind OB/GYN will help you understand the clinic’s procedures as well as help you to develop a meaningful birthplans that aligns with your wish for a self-determined, relaxed, natural birth process that keeps you and your baby safe
    • keep your fight-and-flight system in check by using powerful relaxation techniques to keep you focussed on your body’s birth work
  • Bonuses:
    • audio-meditations designed by me that help you relax during pregnancy and birth
    • online-course-platform with additional material for your postpartum phase for self-study
    • „chat’n snack“ meetings during our course to get to know the participants and me in person, laying the foundations for a supportive network and friendships with like-minded people in Frankfurt


447 Euro per couple

Birth in Hypnosis - upcoming course dates

Online-Group Coaching live via Zoom

Start: Sunday, September 29th, 6 – 9pm
(subsequent dates: October 13th and October 20th, 6 – 9pm each)

Start: Sunday, November 24th, 6 – 9pm
(subsequent dates: December 1st and December 8th, 6 – 9pm each)

1:1 Coachings "Birth in Hypnosis"

I am available to accompany you individually and create your personal journey towards a positive birth experience you actually love to remember. Just contact me via the contact form and we will align an information call.

Interested in my course offers?

Just fill out the contact form and get a message from me to align a date for a short information call – we will find your best option together